Donnington Tenants and Residents Association
We meet at 7pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (except August) at the Community Centre
Why not come along and get involved in your local community?
Contact Karen
DTRA projects
We encourage and support community projects that bring people together
Annual Donnington Music Festival
Donnington Community Music group
Donnington Day! - Summer Festival
Friends of Meadow Lane Nature Park
Recreation Ground improvements - with Donnington FC and City Council
To find out more email Karen
Getting involved
Have you a few hours to spare?
We are currently looking for:
newsletter contributors
A social media volunteer
enthusiasts for a new community garden project
new committee members
Let us know at or come to our meetings
DTRA Minutes
Tuesday 7 March 2023 7-8pm
Full Circle Room, Donnington Community Centre
Attendees: Karen Chahal (Chair), Jeremy Hughes (Vice-Chair), Tom Harlos (Treasurer), Melanie Mendonça (Secretary), Cllr Rawle, Cllr Pegg, Cllr Haywood, Alex Lipinski, Cecily Kirtland, Hakeem Yousaf
Apologies: Cllr Baines, E. Sanderson, Rostam Sadaat, Hermione Mowat
1. Introductions
Karen welcomed all those attending the meeting.
2. Minutes from previous meeting
The Minutes for February were approved.
· Website updates will be done in the next couple of months.
Action: Karen
· It may be possible to resume DTRA meetings on Wednesdays in May when Aunt Sally starts again. However, Cllrs Haywood, Pegg and Rawle said they would prefer Tuesdays.
3. Accounts
The balance stands at £17,297. According to Tom, approximately £5,400 of the 50+ OCF grant has been spent and the balance stands at just over £4,000 to take us to the end of June.
4. Digital Donnington
· David now has volunteers to assist him at the Asda IT Hub held on the first Monday of each months (4.00-6.00pm). Zoom meetings are still held on Friday afternoons, hosted by David, but not many attend.
· Cecily is working on ways to increase support, and decrease isolation, for local residents with complex needs – one way could be through the use of computers. She is also in contact with Helen Fountain, the Age Friendly Creative Manager (AgeUK), about digital projects that could be accessed by those with mobility issues.
5. Wellbeing/Active Reach Project
· The exercise classes, and activities, are well attended and much appreciated. There needs to be discussion about future activities and raising funds; and bringing together local communities. Although timescales are tight, perhaps a joint Easter event can be arranged with Donnington Doorstep (e.g. Easter Egg Hunt). Cllr Pegg said that the Doorstep were thinking about holding regular events, and offered to find out more.
Action: Cllr Pegg
· Cecily reported that Emily Kerr was trying to set up a meeting to discuss all aspects of mobility scooter use (confidence, safety, storage, maintenance, suppliers, etc.) but a date has not yet been arranged. Yusuf suggested that there might be useful information on the 2nd floor of Westgate Library about a national mobility scheme for Blue Badge holders.
· Cecily mentioned that the noticeboards look dreary and do not attract attention; perhaps colourful A5 leaflets could be printed and posted on a monthly basis. Tom suggested that the children at Donnington Doorstep could produce some eye-catching leaflets.
6. AOB
· Tom asked if there was any update on parking on Meadow Lane. Cllr Pegg reported that there would be a public meeting at which the plan would be announced.
· Tom also asked about any updates on the cycle path. Cllr Pegg replied that the matter was definitely going to the Planning Committee, but had no further details.
· Yusuf asked whether there were any further building plans for the playing fields. Cllr Haywood said that the old St Augustine field would be developed at some point; but there were certainly no plans for the Triangle, the ownership of which is disputed/unknown. There was a brief discussion about the work done by the Oxfordshire Community Land Trust to use brownfield sites to provide affordable housing, and the sale of community shares to help raise necessary funds.
· Cllr Haywood had a conversation with Community Speedwatch about speeding on Donnington Bridge Road; physical measures to reduce speed were being looked at e.g. installing speed indicator devices. The 20 mile scheme has not been in force long enough for any discussion about speed cameras.
· Jeremy offered to include any information about meetings, etc. on Facebook
7. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 11 April 2023 at 7-8 pm, at Donnington Community Centre.
DTRA Committee: Karen Chahal (chair), Jeremy Hughes (vice-chair), Tom Harlos (treasurer), Melanie Mendonca (secretary)